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For all enquires please call our Office

02 8042 2760

To speak directly to our Donations Team

1300 369 596

SU Australia (Generate) Office

168 Chalmers Street
Surry Hills NSW 2010

SU Australia (Generate) Donations & Financial Processing

PO Box 1167
Eagle Farm QLD 4009

Share a Concern
We’re committed to the protection, safety, and welfare of all children, young people and adults who engage with our organisation and its associated activities. Wellbeing is important to us. If you wish to share any concerns you may have or anonymously tell us of an incident, please click here and complete the form. SU Australia will endeavour to support you and will take what you have told us seriously. We will keep your report confidential (as required by the law) and will respond to you in a timely manner. This is our commitment to you.

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